Part 17: Page 17

I fly better when I'm high.

Thanks for playing Space Quest III. As usual, you've been a real hoot.
How was I supposed to know that giant snakes are dangerous?!

Thanks for playing Space Quest III. As usual, you've been a real hoot.

Fester : Ya'll come back now, y'hear!
Fester : Alien Scum.

They may be cute, but only an idiot would get near one! Looks like you won't be around to apreciate the other diverse wonders of this garden-spot of the universe.

Selling the gem from SQ2 for some buckazoids, rejecting his first two offers.

That things got a thousand uses - I'll take it!

Wait until the ladies see me in that - I'll take it!

Finally, something to tame my fiery loins - I'll take it!

Oh geez...
Here are all the postcards from World O' Wonders. If you only care about the story, you can safely skip the rest of this post.

Confrontation scene again, now with 200% more chicken-hat goodness.ToasterThief posted:
If you buy the hat, you wear it and it gets roughly thrown away when Arnold grabs you outside. What a jerk.